Saturday, November 2, 2013

One Small Change: The Smartest Sip for Weight Loss

by Jason Machowsky in Diets & Weight Loss

What if I told you that there was a “pill” that, when you consumed it, helped you get a better workout, which of course leads to more strength and better calorie burning? The same pill would also help you focus at work or home so you could get the important things in your life done better and faster. Oh, and by the way, it’s been shown to lead to an increased metabolism, lower calorie intake at meals and better weight loss. How much would you pay for that pill? $10 a bottle, $20, $40? How about free?

That pill is water. And about 55% to 70% of your body is made up of the stuff. But as little as 2% dehydration can lead to impaired physical and cognitive function. And for others, it comes with increased cardiovascular strain, headache, irritability and even poor appetite control. While there is a risk of overhydration–no need to go pounding down gallons–many people walk around all day slightly dehydrated, so there’s a lot to be gained from having a little more of nature’s thirst quencher. Most meal and calorie control research has subjects consuming an extra 16 oz. of water three times a day (before meals). But if bland, tepid water is not your idea of a tasty drink, here are a few tips to get more fluid into your daily routine.

Read more here:

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